TAMIL TEACHERS, required nationwide to teach Tamil in their
own homes. The objective is for 500 or more TAMIL CLASSES in action, nearer to the community at large.
To retain use of the TAMIL LANGUAGE, and to enhance its growth, we have to start with children and as near their home as possible. Giving the children a chance to read, write and speak TAMIL, is every adult's responsibility. As a guide, we have set the monthly fees at RM30

per child for 2 lessons per week. You keep the fees as your earnings. Set a time table, allocate the hours, teach up to 6 children per class. On the basis of 6 children per class, we will have 3,000 children learning TAMIL. We make it convenient for the parents who want their children to learn TAMIL.
MAKE YOUR DINING TABLE A PLATFORM FOR TAMIL LANGUAGE GROWTH. Retired Tamil schhool teachers, University graduants, Tamil schools students now in employ, and senior citizens are invited to FILL AND MAIL the registration form. DO THIS NOW, to be included in our to be published directory of TAMIL TEACHERS.
I would like to teach TAMIL in my locality. Do have my name listed in your directory of TAMIL TEACHERS. I retain the fees as my earnings.
.........................................................................................................................Post Code:...............
I would like to teach TAMIL in my locality. Do have my name listed in your directory of TAMIL TEACHERS. I retain the fees as my earnings.
.........................................................................................................................Post Code:...............
e-mail address:.............................................................. Home Tel No: .......................................
Highest Education Level:............................................. House: Own/Rented
Status: Married/Single No of Children:......... Ages: .............................................
Status: Married/Single No of Children:......... Ages: .............................................
Tamil Language Teaching Experience:.....(years)
Other specialitys you can teach:...................................... (for future projects/ directories)
Other specialitys you can teach:...................................... (for future projects/ directories)
(kindly print out, fill in and mail to P O Box 1120, Jln Semangat, 46870 Petaling Jaya, Selangor)