Monday, May 31, 2010


13th JUNE 2010: 4 pm

NOTICE of our THIRD BIENNIAL GENERAL MEETING is hereby given. Venue,
Date and Time details are as below. All the members are invited to attend
this once in two years meeting. You are advised to have your memberships
paid to-date. (See foot-note). The Agenda is as follows.

Date: 13th June 2010 (Sunday) Time: 4pm
Venue: "KELAB COBRA" premises.
Address: Off Jalan Utara, Petaling Jaya.
Plenty of car park space is available


3.30pm -4pm: Arrival of members; Officials

4pm: Welcome Address by Chairman.
Address by National President
or his representative.
(1) To receive and adopt Minutes of the Second Biennial Meeting
Minutes held on 3rd August, 2008.

(2) Receive and adopt the audited accounts for term Aug 2008 to
June 2010.
(3) To elect by secret ballot, the office bearers for the fourth term
starting 14th June and covering the 2010 to 2012 term.
(a) A Chairman (b) A Vice Chairman
(c) An Hon Secretary (d) An Asst Hon Secretary
(e) A Treasurer
(f) At least six, but not more than ten council members
(g) A Chairperson or Vice Chairperson or Hon Secretary for the women's sectrion
(h) A Chairperson or Vice Chairperson or Hon Secretary for the youth section.
(i) 2 Internal Auditors.

(4) To elect delegates to Biennial Central assembly
(one delegate per 25 members)

(5) To make nominations for the office bearers of the Central Executive Council.

(6) Reports/Other matters.

Thank You

A. Theiviendran PPN
Hon Secretary could be of interest to you.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010



Please help to get participants for the Singles Night orgainsed by Malaysian Ceylonese Congress, Seremban Branch. The idea is to get the unmarried youths of our community an opportunity to meet each other in an informal setting.

Many interesting activities have been planned to make it an interesting evening.

Date : 1st May 2010 Time : 4.00 P.M.

Place : Nisha Villa, P.D.

Cost : RM70.00 (Tea and dinner with activities) / RM100.00 (Tea, dinner, Bed and breakfast)

(For those who attended the previous one organised at Rumah Ku in K.L.,
you can rest assured that this will be very different.)

Contact : Chandra (016-2894231) / Amara (017-2115419)

A Tamil New Year Dinner will be held as follows:-

DATE : 15th May 2010 Time ; 7.00p.m.

Venue : Restoran Dragon, Oakland, Seremban.

Cost : RM30.00 per head for an 8-Course Chinese dinner.

Songs by 'Pala kural mannan - Sri Shanmuganathan / Lucky Draws

Tickets available from Dato Dr. N.K.S.Tharmaseelan - 012-6802803 / Amara - 017-2115419 / Chandra - 016-2894231

Readers of this blog are invited to support both the above functions. could be of interest to you.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


CONTINUATION FROM newsletter archives (1)

Order of Primary Evolution (Srsti)
The Twenty-Four Principles (Tattvas)

1. Prakriti 2. Mahat (cosmic mind) 3. Ahamkara ('I' factor/egotism)

Physical Sattva
4. Manas (mind)
Jnanaendriyas (the senses)
5. Sight (eyes) 6. Hearing (ears) 7. Smell (nose)
8. Taste (tongue) 9. Touch (skin)

Rajas Karmendiriyas
(motor organs -physical)
10. Speech 11. Grasping 12. Movement
13. Excretion 14. Reproduction

Physical Tamas
Tanmatras (subtle elements)
15. Sound 16. Taste 17. Smell
18. Colour 19 Touch
Maha Bhutas (gross elements)
20. Earth 21. Water 22. Fire 23. Air 24. Ether

1. Prakriti, evolved into existence through the grace of Purusha,is the basis of the
universe and all things in it.
2. Prakriti is eternal. It has no cause.
3. The universe eveolved from prakriti,through acting with one another.
4. All things have three gunas in them, namely (a) Sattva, (b) Rajas and (c) Tamas
5. Cosmic intelligence is the initial form of crude matter.
6. Intellect, egoism and the tanmatras (five elements) are the result /effect of
7. Creation is the result of Prakriti
8. All existence have as their basis Prakriti.
9. Prakriti creates when it joins Purusha.
10. Prakriti aims at liberating the sould
11. Sattva is positive force, Rajas is active force and Tamas is inactive force.
12. The three gunas- Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas- bind the soul and they are composed of
ingredients which form Prakriti.
13. The three gunas intermingle and so are the constituents of Prakriti
14. All objects are formed by the three gunas which (gunas) react with each other.

The Teachings of Yoga Philosophy

1. The basic text of the Yoga philosophy is the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Maharishi.
2. The Yoga system of Patanjali Maharishi is considered a supplement of the Sankhya
3. The Yoga of Patanjali is Ashtanga-yoga which teaches the control of the
individual's mind.
4. Yoga is practised to purify the mind and be able to have concentrated thinking
thus enabling the practitioner of Yoga to merge with the Divine Consciousness on
death- only a pure individual consciousness can emerge with the Divine
5. The practices of different disciplines as carried out by a practitioner of yoga,
such as (a) in the consumption of food, (b) in the daily communication with the
society around him, and (c) in the constant awareness to think positively and for
the good of the society around him.
6. Just as in Sankhya where knowledge is given high priority for the purpose of
merging the individual soul with the Divine, here in yoga, meditation takes
priority, over other means of discipline for merging with the Divine, when the
individual sole separates or disengages itself from Prakriti. (Before a soul is
capable of merging with the Divine, it is necessary for the soul to separate
itself from Prakriti).
7. When the individual soul disengages itself from Prakriti, it reassumes its
original true form and it is in this state that it achieves the Grace of the

(This article (in NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES 1 & 2) was sourced from KANTHAN issue No14
publised by Sri Kandaswamy Kovil, Scott Rd and was written by Saiva Gnana
Siromani Siva Gnana Segaram A.M.N; P.J.K. s/o D.V.Nallathamby I.S.M.
Books that helped to make this article possible:
(a) Outlines of Hinduism by T.M.P. Mahadevan M.A., Ph.D
(b) All About Hinduism by Swami Sivananda of The Divine Life Society.
(c) Outlines of Indian Philosophy by M.Hiriyanna. ) could be of interest to you.

Thursday, February 18, 2010



TIME: 8.30 am TO 3.30pm
VENUE: Kelinik Derma Sivasanta Temple of Fine Arts, Jalan Berhala, Kuala Lumpur could be of interest to you.

Monday, February 15, 2010



"HINDU PHILOSOPHY: The teachings of the philosophical Systems
(The Sankhya -Yoga System)

Introduction: Let us continue with the teachings of another pair of the six systems of Hindu Philosophy. In the past article, we noted some of the teachings of the Nyaya Vaisesika system of Hindu philosophy and here, in this article, we are proceeding to the next selected pair,namely the Sankhya-Yoga system of philosophy.

The originator of the Sankhya system of philosphy was Kapila Muni and, the yoga system of philosophy was propounded by Patanjali Maharishi.

In this system, the philosophies of the two systems have their basis on the Sankhya Sutra and the Yoga Sutra by the said Kapila Muni and Patanjali Maharishi respectively. In this paired system of philosophy, the term Sankhya means 'number', but some philosophers feel that it really means "reflections on philosophy". Yoga originates from the word 'yuj' meaning to 'join'. So, Yoga means the assimilation of the individual soul with the Universal soul.

The Teachings of the Sankhya-Yoga System on God and Creation.

1. The Sankhya system is an atheistically system, that is it does not accept a
creator GOD and believes in a primordial principle, Prakriti, which is said to
evolve and produce what we commonly call as creation-since it has its own

2. As humans area combination of gross matter and subtle consciousness, the aim of
the Sankhya philosophy is to liberate the souls through Prakriti.

3. The aim of Yoga philosophy is:
(a) To free humans from suffering as a result of:
(i) illness;
(ii) attachment to things in nature;
(iii) an uncontrolled mind
(b) The freeing of humans of the sufferings experienced in (a) above through:
(i) non-attachment to things in nature
(ii) controlling the mind by not allowing it to wander;
(iii) self-realization.
Note: The subtle consciousness in man is an emanation from the Divine and hence
human consciousness desires to return to its original 'home'- to the Divine
just like the water of a river rushing to fulfill its desire to reach
'home'- the lake, sea or ocean. The subtle consciousness in mankind can be
experienced only through spiritual realization (for example through

4. The Sankhya Yoga system of philosophy states that there are two constituents of
reality- Prakriti and Purusha (matter and spirit).

5. The Sankhya states that the source (or creator) of the universe of matter is

6. It is from Prakriti that all varieties in the universe evolve.

7. The components of Prakriti are the three characteristics of the universe, called
gunas which are:
(a) Sattva (b) Rajas (c) Tamas

8. Prakriti through the gunas not only binds but also liberates the soul or self
from bondage.

9. The nature of the gunas is as follows:
(a) Sattva represents all that is positive and good
(b) Rajas represents active nature
(c) Tamas represents passivity

(Cosmic Substance)


(1) Sattva (2) Rajas (3) Tamas
meaning: (1)reality/truth (2)energy (3)dullness
function: (1)integrity (2)dynamism (3)dullness
psychological: (1)illuminate (2)activate (3)obscure
manifestation: (1)pleasure (2)pain (3)indifference
(1)(happiness) (2)(action) (3)(heedlessness)
moral: (1)affection (2)desire (3)disinterested
psychic: (1)emancipation (2)affinity (3)breaking religious laws

continued in newsletter archives (2)


from several Sri Lankan Tamil organisations would have circulated in this country over the last 50 years. There would definitely have been valuable news, stories, events, truths, facts and ideas, that could be worth reminiscing. Some may be worth reconsidering revived actions.

Do pull all these old issues from the back of your shelves or beneath the piles of print materials in your study. Make copies and mail to us as soon as possible. Keep the originals.

Using the heading NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES and in a serial sequence, you can read as much as we receive. To make it a success, mail us copies of whatever that you may have. KEEP THE ORIGINALS. We could then have the interesting contents of all the mailed contents, posted here for as many of us to read. Mail us the copies of what you have and if you can stretch, mail us the copies of what others may have. Beg and borrow, to make the copies.

Mail copy only to: MCC Sri Petaling,
P O Box 1120,
Jalan Semangat,
46870 Petaling Jaya,

Share for all to know more of who we were, what we have done, the good news, the great news and move on to restore glory, back into our lives. Remember, this is the year of THE TIGER.

Thiruselvam K
MCC Sri Petaling. could be of interest to you.


MCC SRI PETALING organised this 3rd successful trip in the last 12 months. With a bus full of 44 passengers it was a trip South to another great place; MALAYSIA'S FIRST GLASS TEMPLE, The ARULMIGU SRI RAJA KALIAMMMNA TEMPLE, located in Jalan Tebrau, Johor Baru.

The temple entrance itself is very inviting with the rising "kopuram", adorned so full with glass pieces in so many different colours and shapes. Inside of the temple, the temple’s walls, ceiling, domes and pillars have been adorned with over a million pieces of colourful glass imported from Thailand, Japan and Belgium.
You could just look at any part of the wall or ceiling and wonder how long it would have taken the craftsman, to cut the glasess to such small pieces, sort the shaped glasses, and using the seven differing colours to design into the available space. Mixing and matching the colours, and to paste each piece to the wall and roof to create the motifs and symbols like the Swastika, Namam and Sri Chakra. would have been no easy task.

The temple was built on land awarded by the Sultan of Johor in 1922, and it was renovated for the first time in 1996.The air-conditioned temple, can accommodate about 1,500 devotees.
Following the mid-day Pooja and lunch at this temple, there was some time for shopping in Air Hitam,
The return journey was a de tour into Kluang, to visit the SIVAN TEMPLE with its 108 SIVALINGAMS. A big temple it is, now undergoing renovations. There are so many different types of ARCHANAI's and PRAYERS that can be sought in this temple.

A word of appreciation is due to Mr M Ganesh and his wife Malar of MCC SRI PETALING, for once again for the fourth time organising this successful trip to the Glass Temple and the Kluang Sivan temple.
Leaving the SIVAN temple after a serving of tea and fried noodles, all were back in Kuala Lumpur safe and sound with God's blessings. could be of interest to you.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Malaysian Ceylonese Congress

Trip to Maran and Shivan Temple - Kuantan

Date : 26th February 2010 (Friday - Public Holiday)
Time : 6.30a.m. (Pick up points at PJ Pillaiyaar Temple / K.L. Sentral Monorail station /
Jalan Ipoh - Paranjothy Vinayagar Temple)
Please be punctual in order to witness Abishegam at 10.30a.m.
Cost : RM50.00 .Lunch at Maran Temple.
Please confirm with payment. Amara -017-2115419 / S.Sivamalar - 014-6055116 could be of interest to you.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Malaysia’s first glass temple expects be a major tourist attraction
August 1st, 2009 - 1:39 pm ICT by Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 1 (ANI): Malaysia’s first glass temple, the Arulmigu Sri Raja Kaliamman Temple, located in Jalan Tebrau, Johor Baru, is set to become a major tourist attraction apart from being used by Hindu devotees.
The Star quoted temple chairman S. Sinnathamby as saying that 95 per cent of the temple’s walls, ceiling, domes and pillars have been adorned with over a million pieces of colourful glass imported from Thailand, Japan and Belgium.
The total cost of the temple is approximately three million ringgits.Sinnathamby added that the glass pieces were carefully put together by nine Myanmar workers, and motifs and symbols like the Swastika, Namam and Sri Chakra were created from the glass pieces in seven colours.
The temple was built on land awarded by the Sultan of Johor in 1922, and it was renovated for the first time in 1996.Sinnathamby said he first visualised the glass temple his Thailand visit, and funds for the construction were raised through community programmes and public donations.
The air-conditioned temple, which can accommodate about 1,500 devotees, would be officially opened on October 25th. (ANI)
Read more:

Wednesday July 15, 2009

Glass temple in Johor


JOHOR BARU: Imagine 300,000 pieces of finely cut coloured glass carefully placed together to create intricate designs. The sight will amaze any beholder.
And it exists at the Arulmigu Sri Raja Kaliamman Temple, known as the country’s first glass temple that is taking shape along Jalan Tebrau.
Attractive: A portion of the temple featuring six different coloured glass pieces
Temple president S. Sinathambhy, who is also an art teacher, said that so far RM2mil had been spent to renovate the 87-year-old temple.
He added that he conceptualised the design while riding in a motorised taxi (tuk tuk), during a trip to Bangkok.“I saw something shimmering from afar and told the driver to take me towards the light.“I finally came to a Buddhist temple that had a piece of glasswork at its entrance and I was amazed by the beauty of the piece,” he said.
Eye-catching: The front portion of the temple.
Sinathambhy said he expanded on the idea to build a temple that would be fully embellished with coloured glass.
“I thought that having a temple filled with glasswork could attract many people,” he said. The 300,000 pieces of glasses on the Arulmigu temple consist of six colours, namely blue, red, yellow, green, purple and white.
Sinathambhy added that the temple was initially built in 1922 and needed a major makeover.“I hired a few workers from Myanmar to help put up the glasswork,” he said, adding that he was involved in the design.“It has not been easy since I started work on the project one year ago, and the current economic situation has made the task even more difficult,” he said.
Sinathambhy explained that the price of steel, glass and transportation charges had all increased over the past one year.
Beautiful: The interior portion of the Arulmigu Sri Raja Kaliamman Temple dubbed as the ‘Glass Temple.’
“We initially estimated the cost to be about RM1.5mil but it has since doubled,” he said. However, he was still hopeful of completing the project by October.
“I am thankful to all who donated. But there’s still more to do, such as installing the drainage and waterproofing system.“The works are only partially completed but I am confident that this temple will be a major tourist attraction in the city,” he said.
Sinathambhy said the official opening of the temple had been set for Oct 25 and was expected to attract people from all over the world.
He added that he was especially grateful to the Sultan of Johor for giving the land to the temple. could be of interest to you.